Software exploration: dc command

It is that typical time of day when you are working on your computer, some parts of the task involves using command line tools especially one of the most used bash builtins cd command. cd is used to change shell working directory. I am changing between various directories and all... [Read More]

Merry Christmas!

Got some spare time before holidays and I decided to assemble some simple electronic greeting prototype and this is a result of me finding some free Christmas related icons on internet, I created a thresholded bitmaps of these images <img src="" alt="christmas... [Read More]

Getting started with Attiny microcontroller

One day I stumbled upon Attiny85 Breakout Keychain Game, I immediately browsed through parts list to find out what it was comprised of. What brougth my attention is the fact that this keychain game was based on Attiny85 microcontroller. It is the one being suggested in case if you... [Read More]